Thursday, September 11, 2014

Punishments and Penalties of DUI and DWI

DUI refers to driving under the influence which is impaired by the substances like opium or other drugs even though they are legal. DWI refers to the driving while intoxicated, it is driving a vehicle after consumption of alcohol. The punishment and penalty for being charged for DUI and DWI will be severe. It depends on state law and how many time you have had this in previous history.

The punishment and penalties for DUI or DWI include:

Sentenced to jail
If an individual is charged with DUI or DWI, he or she will be sentenced to jail for a period of minimum 3 days to maximum 10 years. The jail time will also be based on the blood alcohol content in the body and previous offenses you have had. If an individual with first offense sentenced to jail for 180 days, second offense for 1 year and third offense for 2-10 years. It will vary from state to state.

Courts will impose fine on candidates being arrested with DUI or DWI. Some times fine will be imposed along with jail time or fine alone. The fine charged will depends on the number of previous offenses you have had.
First offense- Fine up to $2000
Second offense- Fine up to $4000
Third time- Fine up to $10,000 and it will vary from state to state.

Suspension of driving license
Individuals arrested with DUI or DWI, the driving license will be suspended for particular period by courts. The suspension period will depend on the number of offenses you had in past. If it is your first offense, then driving license will be suspended for a period of 90 days. Second offense for up to 1 year and third offense for up to 2 years.

If an individual refuses to take chemical test, the suspension period of license increase regardless of finding the guilt.

Alternative forms of punishments
Alternative forms of punishments for DUI or DWI are letting you to attend alcohol teaching and preventing programs in your own expenses. Installation of ignition locks in your vehicle to prevent it from starting when you are drinking. Minor candidates should perform community services along with other punishments and penalties. Scholarships will be canceled for individuals who are involved in the drunk driving cases. 

Other consequences
In addition to the penalties and punishments, insurance company will cancel the policy or increase the insurance rates. Vehicle will be impounded temporarily and case will be in records for several years which will show effect in employment.

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