Thursday, October 10, 2013

Vitamins Your Brain Needs

Eating healthy and nutritious diet is important for good health. Such food protects the body from diseases. The brain is the organ that makes other organs to function properly. Therefore it is essential to take the diet that is needed for the brain as well.

There are 13 vitamins, which are not only necessary for the growing body, but also for good memory, concentration, alertness and focus. Let us see what are those vitamins.

Vitamin B: B vitamins play a significant role in optimal function of the brain. These vitamins are helpful in preserving the memory. They activate mental functioning, for healthy metabolism, nerve functioning, to support immune system, neurotransmitter system, to reduce depression, brain shrinkage etc.

Vitamin B5: Vitamin B5 is needed for the cells not only for the body cells but also for the brain cells to develop. This is the vitamin which helps the brain to perform the tasks, it can improve the brain metabolism, this vitamin will support the brain tissues to develop, supports brain neurotransmitter system, to build and develop cells, supports nervous system.

Food Sources: Whole grains, broccoli, eggs, liver, bran, cheese, fish, avocados, mushrooms etc.

Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 can influence brain functioning and development, it can improve the nervous functioning system, it is beneficial to treat patients with depression.

Food Sources: Fortified cereals, fish, salmon, nuts, spinach, banana, beef liver, potatoes, tuna etc.

Vitamin B9: Vitamin B9 improves the neural tube functions which influence the brain and spine in infants, improves memory, enhances cell formation and growth, improves metabolic processes.

Food Sources: Liver, dried herbs, spinach, collards, beans, peanuts, asparagus, beans, macaroni, milk, eggs, broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 influences the brain neurotransmitters, improves memory, reduces the brain shrinkage.

Food Sources: Dark leafy vegetables, liver, caviar, octopus, cheese, fish, lamb, eggs, clams, chicken, milk, yogurt etc.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C works like an antioxidant that helps to fight against free radicals. Free radicals are those which can damage or destroy the brain cells, which leads to loss of memory, may also cause dementia. It also plays a crucial role in fetal brain development. So women need a sufficient amount of vitamin C in their pregnancy.

Food Sources: Guavas, kiwi fruits, green leafy vegetables, oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, papaya, pine apple, kale etc.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D aids in neurotransmitter process, improves the levels of mental performance, improves brain functioning, improves cell growth, it is also helpful for the women during pregnancy as it will improve the brain functioning in fetus, improve the immune system, helpful for mental development.

Food Sources: Fish like salmon, sardine, tuna; beef liver, yogurt, milk, cheese, margarine, cod liver oil, fish oil etc.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an antioxidant which helps fight the harmful effects of free radicals and thus protects the body from the damage caused by the free radicals and thus helps to improve memory, brain development, reduces the risk of dementia, improves cognitive function.

Food Sources: Almonds, pea nuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, corn, wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, spinach, broccoli, kiwifruit, mango, tomato etc.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to Improve Physical Wellness?

Physical wellness means staying healthy without any health problems. Proper grip on physical health improves mental health too. We know that we have to work on physical health, but don't know how to implement. In this article, we will discuss some easy to do physical activities that will help you stay fit and healthy.
  • Walking: Spare at least 10-15 minutes for walking every day in the morning, you will find a lot of difference in your overall health and fitness levels. Walking gives energy, refreshment, positiveness throughout the day and increases productivity. Walking is especially good for heart patients and for those who want to lose weight.
  • Jogging: Jogging means running at a slow pace. When you jog, your stamina increases and it improves your blood circulation. Heart's health is maintained, muscles of legs also become healthy.
  • Household activities: Many of us are very lazy in doing household works. We appoint a maid for doing all these things. But doing household activities like washing vessels, cleaning the house, cleaning the floor, preparing food, washing clothes will help you stay healthy. All the above activities will improve muscle strength and helps you lose your belly.
  • Fitness exercises: These include aerobics, some exercises done at gym like lifting, trade mill exercises, etc. Fitness exercises have to be chosen based on one's health conditions under expert's supervision. They promote overall health of an individual.
  • Maintain a balanced diet: In breakfast, eat fruits, milk, cornflakes, toast, salad, etc. Better to take light dinner instead of eating heavy food, as digestion is slowed down during nighttime. There is a famous saying, “In breakfast eat like a king, in lunch like a prince and in dinner like a pauper”. You will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle by following a balanced diet.
  • Avoid unhealthy habits: Unhealthy habits like smoking and taking drugs are very harmful to the body and the mind. They are associated with negative health consequences. Drugs and smoking will decrease the lifespan of a person. Smoking increases chances of lung cancer and drug addiction will have bad effects on brain and body of a person.
With busy lifestyle, many of us are unable to take time out to concentrate on our health, and later in life due to our negligence we face many health problems, in order to avoid them we need to improve our physical wellness to say healthy and energetic.