Monday, February 27, 2012

Know How to Protect Your Skin with Regular Vitamins

Vitamins are important for human health. They are essential for both, internal and external health. Vitamins protect the human body against dangerous effect of bacteria, fungi and other microbes. Attractive skin appearance is possible to get by using various vitamins and nutrition. People are using various vitamin creams where applying on body for attractive skin.

Vitamin C and E are essential for attractive skin. Vitamin C protects individual skin against sun exposure and it is important in reducing the risk of skin cancer. It's also important in promoting the collagen to maintain youthful appearance. Similarly vitamin E also protects the human skin against dangerous ultraviolet rays and prevent cell damage. This is effective in making the skin soft.

Vitamin A is important for producing and maintaining skin cells and it is effective in reducing the wrinkles. Of the Vitamin B group, biotin and niacin are important ones. Biotin lack in body causes hair loss and itching in the skin and niacin is important in retaining the skin moisture and it prevents the skin from getting dry. Vitamin K is also helpful for healthy skin; it is helpful where reducing the red puffy under the eyes.

Vitamin A, B, C, E and K are important for smooth and shiny skin. These are available in our regular taking foods. People are using these vitamin creams for getting skin shining.

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