Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All About Alcohol Breathalyzer

Breathalyzer is the combination of two words breath and the analyzer. It is generally used for testing the alcohol content in the blood of any person which is known as BAC (Blood alcohol content).It generally indicates the alcohol content in the lungs. The alcohol content in the lungs denotes the alcohol content in the blood.

Breathalyzer gives the exact amount of alcohol content in the body. Even the urine test is also impractical except in the case of BAC.

If a person consumes alcohol it is being absorbed by the mouth, throat, stomach and by the blood stream. Alcohol is not digested in the blood it passes into the lungs and some of the alcohol moves through the membranes of lung called as alveoli and there it evaporates into alveolar air and when that air is exhaled out it is measured through breathalyzer.

Generally it is used for checking in case of driving. If the accident occurs then the police will initially checkout the driver for alcohol consumption. This is done using the breathalyzer equipment. If the concentration of alcohol in blood is detected then he will be jailed. So, these breathalyzers are used in some cases in order to avoid the accidents.

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