Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Few Tips for Safe Use of Steroids

Some professional athletes and body builders use steroids to improve their performance. Illegal steroid use can cause severe medical problems like hypertension, kidney problems and damage to the heart and liver. Steroid will use also increases the risk of some cancers. Health care professionals generally prescribe the use of steroids in order to treat inflammation and pain related to arthritis and lupus.
  • A physician must use steroids only after the prescription. Other uses are considered as illegal, and they have more chances to cause long-term damage to the body. Steroids used by men and women will differ, as the side effects experienced in each of them is not same.
  • For patients who require only one dose of steroid medication every day, it should be taken in the morning, since it is the time body usually produces the hormone.
  • Single steroid must be taken at a time in recommended dosage of the drug. Overuse of steroids can decrease their performance on the medical condition for which it is being treated. Medication requirements must be adjusted from time to time.
  • Other medications must be taken unless physician particularly advises them, because there are many different medications, which interact with steroids. Moreover, some medical conditions can also be troubled by the use of steroids. Using steroid medications frequently weakens the immune system.
  • Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids must be increased in diet. It is very essential eat more low-fat, low-calorie and high-density foods, in order to have adequate calories every day to fulfill body's nutritional needs. The inflammatory substances of the omega-3 fatty acids present in these foods decreases chronic pain due to inflammation. This in turn, will decrease the need for prescription steroid medications.

Related Links:
Drug testing

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