Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What are the Symptoms of Deficiency of Vitamin B9?

B-complex are water-soluble vitamins. They dissolve easily in water and are carried through bloodstream and excreted through urine. So, it is necessary that it should be added in your diet for proper functioning of the body. Vitamin B9 is one of the member of the B-complex or B vitamins.

Vitamin B9 or folate( naturally occurred) or folic acid(man-made) functions as a co enzyme during the synthesis of genetic material called DNA. It is also a vital component for cellular division, and the normal growth, development, function, and reproduction of all cells. It plays a vital role in all processes that cell division depends on.

People get deficiency, if they do not eat enough food which contains Vitamin B9 or Foliate. Sometimes symptoms are seen and sometimes symptoms do not occur even if they are deficient in this vitamin.

The deficiency symptoms include diarrhea, gray hair, mouth ulcers, peptic ulcer, poor growth, anemia, mood disorders, depression due to lower levels of neurotransmitters, weakness, fatigue, problems breathing, anorexia, weight loss, headaches, and palpitations, glossitis, gastrointestinal disorders, serious skin disorders, loss of hair, impaired circulation, a greyish brown skin pigmentation, and swollen tongue may occur.

Pregnant women who are deficient in this vitamin are at greater risk of giving birth to infants who have a low birth weight, are premature, and/or babies who suffer from neural tube defects( NTD) such as cleft palate, spina bifida, or even brain damage. NTD impacts almost more than 4000 pregnancies in the United States every year. According to the Center for Disease Control and the United States Public Health Service, daily intake of 400 micrograms of Folic acid could possibly prevention of 70% of birth defects.

So, include this vitamin B9 or folate or folic acid in your daily diet in order to get rid of the defects and deficiencies caused by this vitamin.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Things to Know for Playing Carroms

This game is played among two to four players (as two teams). If two, the player’s sits in the opposite direction which is called singles and while with the four, the opposite members are partners which are called as doubles. For an exception, you can also play against with the three players for the points.

Equipment for playing carroms:
The game needs one carrom board, 9 black pieces, 9 white pieces which are called as carrom men, one red piece which is considered as queen, one acrylic striker, powder, net, table/stand, chair/stool, light.

Arrangements of the pieces:
Place the red piece (queen) at the center of the circle on the board, and arrange the remaining carrom men around the queen with alternate colors in such a way the whites should be lined up to form in 'Y' shape, with two sides aiming directly towards the corners pockets of the board.

Object of the game:
The main object in the game for the first player is to pocket their carrom pieces and the queen by using the heavier striker in any of the pockets which is with your opponent. Your strike continuously as long as you sinks your carrom men/pieces.

Sitting arrangement:
Each player is to sit at the side of the board and have to strike from that side only. Your body should not cross the diagonal line except your hands and nor your elbow protrude over the frame in front of you. Even your knees or feet may not leave your quadrant.

How to start a game:
The game should start according to the player’s choice by tossing a coin, even the color of the carrom men also decided by tossing a coin. After the selection of coins the white color pieces player should break the arrangement by using the index finger. The striker should be placed in base line only. The player one should strike the coins in forward direction and not in backward direction and it is not allowed throughout the game.

Rules to place striker:
When you place the striker on the board it must touch the two base lines, and when you place it on the end circles it should cover the entire circle completely. The striker should not touch the diagonal arrow line. The striker never/should not place half on the end circle and half on the base lines. It should be either completely on the two base lines or completely on the circle.

Points for game:
Here the game consists of 25 points or eight boards, whichever comes first.

Shooting styles:
For forward strikes you can use your index finger, middle finger, and even the scissors. It is good if you touch your finger before you shoot because it makes you sure that its really on line. This will improve your accuracy and prevent your finger from hurting. For backward shots you must use your right thumb or the scissors techniques.

If the player pots the coin then s/he plays/strikes once again. If you sink your striker the opponent places the due piece within the center circle and if you have not sunk yet, you win one.

The Queen:
The red queen is pocketed at any time after sinking your first piece but must be sunk before your last coin. That is, after pocketing the queen, you must sink one of your carrom men thereby covering it into any pocket in your next shot, otherwise the queen must replace at the center of the board. Once the queen is covered, whoever clears all his/her carrom men first wins the game/board. While shooting the red (queen), if you also sink one of your carrom men then automatically the queen will be covered.

Benefits of playing carroms:
It improves your health mentally and physically. It also gives a chance to get more quality time with your family, and would help you get close with your family, relation and friends.