Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Symptoms Due to Vitamin-B9 Deficiency

This deficiency occurs very rare, but when it occurs the problems cause by it are severe. The most common problem associate with these deficiency are related to pregnancy and fetal development. It comes in two forms, folate which is naturally occurs and folic acid which is man made. Some individuals are also closely associated with The deficiency is also associated with cardiac diseases, cancer, and strokes.

Causes for Vitamin- B9 Deficiency:
It causes due to poor intake of nutrition and alcoholics. These deficiency may cause, mouth ulcer, peptic ulcer, poor growth, gray hair, swollen tongue (glossitis), diarrhea and also lead to certain types of anemia

Symptoms for Vitamin- B9 Deficiency:
Symptoms of the deficiency of this vitamin are irritability, fatigue, nausea, weaknesses, headache, cracks at the corners of the mouth, sore and inflamed tongue, loss of apatite, loss of memory, mood changes, diarrhea, acne, skin cracking, paranoia, depression, restricted growth of nerves and brain, and some gastrointestinal problems.

Health Issues for Vitamin- B9 Deficiency:
Health issues due to  vitamin B9 deficiency includes cancer, anemia, disorders related to stress.

Sources for Vitamin- B9
The food sources which contains vitamin B9 (Folacin) are, fortified food like enriched bread, flours, cereals, cornmeal, pastas, rice and some other grain products. It also occurs naturally in dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans and peas, citrus fruits and its juices.

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